Mrs. Uma Bhattacharjee
Secretary, Kingston Educational Institute
Education, be it primary, secondary or tertiary, has undergone a tremendous metamorphosis. On one hand , there is an increased need for professionals who are able to handle all challenges with ease, and on the other, the world needs ethical and value based citizens devoid of corrupt practices, Kingston Educational Institute through its various programs at different levels of education has been offering quality, value based education that blends both these aspects in adequate proportion. The infrastructure , along with the human capital possessed by all the constituents of KEI has been working continuously towards this endeavor. The students admitted into KEI are being groomed with personalized care and attention, and they are treated as member of the KEI family , encompassing each and every sphere, that contributes towards the Holistic growth of the pupil. Our motto has always been to nurture professionals who would be a boon for the human kind and the society at large.
I welcome you all to join this wonderful voyage, that would not only change your future, but would also facilitate you to contribute more for the world around you! Education for us a way of life.
Thank You.
Mrs. Uma Bhattacharjee
Secretary, Kingston Educational Institute